The importance of a high-quality diet to overall health, as well as its benefits for many health problems, is discussed in "Natural Diet for Dogs and Cats". If you haven't already read that section, please do so now.

I have formulated these programs as a way to prepare a homemade diet that is, of course, nutritionally complete and balanced, but also flexible, economical, and minimally time-consuming. I developed many of the timesaving innovations under field conditions- that is, preparing food for my own dogs and cats. It involves much less preparation time than any recipe-based diet plan.

For over 30 years, many of my clients and others have implemented these diet plans, and their feedback has allowed me to fine-tune them. Please feel free to download Natural Diet for Dogs and/or Natural Diet for Cats at no charge. I hope that your pet(s) will enjoy the improvement!

Natural Diet for Cats: Guidelines for Optimal Nutrition

Natural Diet for Dogs: Guidelines for Optimal Nutrition